…and I can post about what I want.
I’m trans. Which doesn’t really have to do much with anything. However, it’s relevant to the story I want to write about.
I’ve recently joined up with Mastodon. The server I ended up settling into is primarily trans people and the administrator has a very low tolerance for people being abusive. Basically, it’s a safe space on a platform that could otherwise be problematic like birdsite was wont to be at times (and delving further toward every day). This provides good access to a lot of other trans people who have dealt with various issues that I have and/or will run into. For example, finding clothing that actually fits wonky proportions or concerns from trans moms who are worried about their own safety as well as the safety of their family. It’s been nice to be able to talk with other people who understand and can help.
To take advantage of this sudden forum of knowledge I decided to start asking a daily question with “trans” and other applicable hashtags on it. Questions range from fun ones about music to practical ones about tucking strategies/garments/brands. So far so good. I’ve received some great commentary thus far and people are finding others on the new platform to interact with.
Being in an age where the birdsite is falling apart and people are scattering to new platforms this might help you find some neighbors in a new community.